Things are rolling along nicely. I only have seventeen more miles to go this week spread out over three runs. I'm feeling pretty good about that. Knocked out 14 yesterday but cheated a little bit. I had overslept and had to get M to softball. I got up, ran 11 then took her to her game. While she was doing warmups I "ran" another 3.25 and got my mileage total for the day. My 11 felt good but the 3 was tough.
I ended up running 27.5 miles between 8PM Friday night and Noon on Sunday. Friday's 8 was a makeup run from Wednesday on what was supposed to be an off day. Then I got up on Saturday and ran another 5. This all didn't dawn on me until I got to the end of Sunday's 11 and couldn't figure out why I was so fatigued.
12 days until the race.